An invitation to a journey of exploration of the still unknown land - the world, the people, ourselves. Through the open horizon of nous and soul to discover fragments / snapshots of existence, bursts of creation;
through materials that bear the life of soil and breath of wind and water…
A journey of exploration in places that seem “un-places” and non-existent, that invite us to discover.

Guided by the light, the sun, source of light and cause of existence, to wander the paths of thought and sensation to map "unknown" sites, either of our own familiar "Earth", or of any earth that may be the "earth" of each of us. These lands, both physical and metaphysical, transparent and intangible yet fleshy, tangible and vulnerable,
that we all carry in our memories, senses, hopes…

From their first matrix, to the multiple imprints within us and in all its possible nooks and crannies, which are perpetually can generate new terrains, open to new explorations. In our own Odyssey of uncharted lands many wondrous, tender and bitter perhaps, but all precious, can be discovered if we generously open our souls
to the reflections of their light within us.

Window to the World, 2022
earth, 2022
Matrix, 2022
Reflections, 2022
Light, 2022
Windows to the Worlds series, 2022